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Walking around

by - Davide -

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panyara - 13 by April by 2010, 12:00

no hablas español? Me gusta el diseño, simple pero a la vez lo veo currado, con sus sombritas en la ropa... Si, creo que me la compraría

bertente - 13 by April by 2010, 12:00

jajajajaja brutal la camiseta, muy divertida. 8

duke05 - 13 by April by 2010, 12:00

Muy buena!  Me encanta, como siempre Davide!

- Davide - - 13 by April by 2010, 12:00

Thanks :)

alarcon - 13 by April by 2010, 12:00

megusta...pero me parece demasiado simple

El Trigo - 13 by April by 2010, 12:00

muy buena,vey good davide

ZANPANKRASIO - 13 by April by 2010, 12:00

es buen diseño... pero lo veo más para tira cómica. Para camiseta creo que le falta algo. Por ejemplo la razón de lo que anda buscando... no se...  algo que estuviera ante sus narices, pero empecinado emn seguir las huella-pistas no viese.

Un 7

superpeach - 13 by April by 2010, 12:00

muy buena!!

gatetnegre - 13 by April by 2010, 12:00

me parece muy divertida!!!

raquel81 - 13 by April by 2010, 12:00

simple, pero buena!

negrolas82 - 13 by April by 2010, 12:00


roxixima - 13 by April by 2010, 12:00

me ha encantao

RJFCRJ - 13 by April by 2010, 12:00


Sparky9292 - 13 by April by 2010, 12:00

I just watched a Sherlok Holmes film the other day and I burst out laughing when I saw this design. Great job!

elquim - 13 by April by 2010, 12:00

me gusta

Miguiman - 13 by April by 2010, 12:00

Jajaja muy buena xD

SeakDesigns - 13 by April by 2010, 12:00

Nice job -Davide- as always

JosePino - 13 by April by 2010, 12:00

I really  love it! :D Good job!

neeReea - 13 by April by 2010, 12:00

I love this t-shirt =) T-shirt is curious

Bella.donna - 13 by April by 2010, 12:00

He seems to the Inspector Clouseau! Hahaha Nice!

Bella.donna - 13 by April by 2010, 12:00

Sorry about the BIG letter...U.U'

- Davide - - 13 by April by 2010, 12:00

Thanks to all :D

Nothing Bella.donna it make me laugh :D

pepelugo - 13 by April by 2010, 12:00

me encanta!!! sencilla pero bonita ^^

- Giàn - - 13 by April by 2010, 12:00


equidna - 13 by April by 2010, 12:00

me gusta como ilustración, pero no la llevaria como camiseta

ZELDAT - 13 by April by 2010, 12:00

It's a very nice design.

Congratulations Davide, I love it!!!

elqebocea - 13 by April by 2010, 12:00

q graciosa

Elenaa - 13 by April by 2010, 12:00


Rensovich - 13 by April by 2010, 12:00


SbEnaz - 13 by April by 2010, 12:00

great work as always :)

ericachan - 13 by April by 2010, 12:00

es muy buena, puntazos

aluffy90 - 14 by April by 2010, 12:00

Buenísima, me la compraría sin dudarlo. Ojalá salga ^^

Tony Centeno - 14 by April by 2010, 12:00


- Davide - - 14 by April by 2010, 12:00

Thanks thanks and thanks

sergiolokus - 14 by April by 2010, 12:00

muy chula la verdad

Ysuran - 14 by April by 2010, 12:00

Como siempre una maravillaMore desings please !!! Davide crack !!Espero que la editen, me encanta :)

silent_bob - 14 by April by 2010, 12:00

no me gusta

Mish_el - 14 by April by 2010, 12:00

Parida!. Esta bien

martola - 14 by April by 2010, 12:00

i'ts nice!!!but a little bit dark

vanny_3112 - 14 by April by 2010, 12:00

me gusta mucho es muy original

sylar75 - 14 by April by 2010, 12:00

realmente buena

fairynita - 14 by April by 2010, 12:00

Estupenda, buen diseño, divertida, sencilla. Yo la veo muy Pampling.

Ephira - 14 by April by 2010, 12:00


donatien - 15 by April by 2010, 12:00

no mola eh

Naolito - 15 by April by 2010, 12:00

One of my favourits from you Davide

Lenne1989 - 15 by April by 2010, 12:00

Haha very funny!! :D

- Davide - - 16 by April by 2010, 12:00

Thanks to all :)


nestris - 16 by April by 2010, 12:00

Es graciosa aunque la cara del detetctive no me acaba de hacer

Vankorok - 16 by April by 2010, 12:00

you have wonderful ideas! Can't wait to see what's next!

lona00 - 16 by April by 2010, 12:00

Esta bien pero no es mi estilo

bulpeja - 16 by April by 2010, 12:00

no me va

- Gio - - 16 by April by 2010, 12:00

Me gusta mucho

Psikosis - 16 by April by 2010, 12:00

Genial 10+

FranGali - 18 by April by 2010, 12:00

Muy simpática

sasa_gir - 18 by April by 2010, 12:00

un poco simple

keshito - 18 by April by 2010, 12:00

jajaja me encanta im lovin it                                                                                                

MrPrince - 18 by April by 2010, 12:00

Excellent work!

yeyito - 18 by April by 2010, 12:00

muy buena

er_kachi - 18 by April by 2010, 12:00


basissey - 19 by April by 2010, 12:00


NUBBLER - 19 by April by 2010, 12:00

jajaja mola

Plusy08 - 19 by April by 2010, 12:00

Muuy buenaa!!

noicatala - 20 by April by 2010, 12:00

original pero alguna cosita mas podria haver

YoSandro - 20 by April by 2010, 12:00

sÓLO DIRÍA QUE LE FALTA DETALLE DEL brazo derecho ... aunque sea el codo se debería de ver .. no creo que lo lleve colgando simplemente al estar en esa posición :)

carameloo - 20 by April by 2010, 12:00


noelia86 - 20 by April by 2010, 12:00

jajajja..es mu weno

LadyMadrid - 21 by April by 2010, 12:00

davide hace unos diseños buenisisimos!!

lennooon - 21 by April by 2010, 12:00

Good design...maybe a bit lonely, or simple, or little, don't you think? ok, anyway, well done (:

victorete - 22 by April by 2010, 12:00

No me la compraria pero esta bien pensado el diseño

luciia88 - 22 by April by 2010, 12:00

es genial

eldarc - 22 by April by 2010, 12:00

Me gusta el dibujo, y tiene su gracia, será que soy seguidor de Holmes jeje. Lo unico, yo le cambiaria el color de camiseta, no se cual pero ese marron no me gusta. Valoraria otras opciones...