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by Raxarts

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Stilographic - 13 by June by 2011, 11:58

jajaja buen chiste y simple, y buen diseño!

NENA86 - 13 by June by 2011, 11:58


sylar75 - 13 by June by 2011, 11:58

no esta mal

RJFCRJ - 13 by June by 2011, 11:58

No me mola.

mauro88 - 13 by June by 2011, 11:58

el efecto del 3d a mi me molesta al mirarlo, no os pasa ?

conde_cadista - 13 by June by 2011, 11:58

Bueno el chiste, pero no lo veo en cami..

zotac7 - 13 by June by 2011, 11:58

Ostras... pues ultimamente veo camisetas que si te pones gafas del 3d de esas rojas y axules se ven en 3D, podriamos intentar aplicar algo parecido en pampling XD 

CASTELLÓ - 13 by June by 2011, 11:58

Buen trabajo !

CASTELLÓ - 13 by June by 2011, 11:58

El efecto 3D está perfect, comprobado con unas gafas de 3d típicas de cartón de esas rojas y azul :)

¿Lo has hecho a ojo o con un programa?...

kokolepistolero - 13 by June by 2011, 11:58


zilone - 13 by June by 2011, 11:58

Good !

yuribek - 13 by June by 2011, 11:58

me mola. pero le cambiaría las armas, no se.

Raxarts - 13 by June by 2011, 11:58

For Castello: Next time, please speek english. I use Google translater, but sometimes it sounds really funny in my language and i canot understand it :D. Btw I dont agree, maybe i had bad glases, but i didnt see it in 3D. I watched some 3D pictures on Google to know how it works and I tryed make it in Photoshop, but really dont know if i made it correctly :D (Really big improvization with this 3D effect )

Mr.Cid - 13 by June by 2011, 11:58


Master52 - 13 by June by 2011, 11:58

Nice design!

Gayoso - 13 by June by 2011, 11:58

I like the 3D effect 

but i think it is too simple and it will be better if you add something


excuse my english ;)

gatetnegre - 13 by June by 2011, 11:58

I like it =)



patxiker - 14 by June by 2011, 11:58

i like it! bt i don't understand why they're carrying weapons...

spencer-wallace - 14 by June by 2011, 11:58


CASTELLÓ - 14 by June by 2011, 11:58

Jeje, ojalá respondieran también en castellano en webs que están en otros idiomas :)...

Yo también utilizo el traductor de google. Yo sí lo veo en 3D, será que tengo unas gafas de cartón únicas jajaja. De todas maneras, aunque no se viera, el diseño está muy bien, te deseo suerte.

Saludos !

Hehe, hopefully respond in Spanish on websites that are in other languages ​​:)...


I also use the google translator. I do see it in 3D, is that I have a unique cardboard glasses hahaha. Anyway, even if not see, the design is fine, I wish you luck.Greetings!


pepelugo - 14 by June by 2011, 11:58

me gusta el efecto 3D!!! :D

vaos44 - 14 by June by 2011, 11:58

es sencilla pero me gusta.

robijn_blp - 14 by June by 2011, 11:58

Ca fait un peu mal au yeux :s

xatunga - 14 by June by 2011, 11:58

sta xula m gusta

jorgepolog - 14 by June by 2011, 11:58

Me encanta, pero no me gusta en blanco.

jorgepolog - 14 by June by 2011, 11:58

Luego aparte no es un 3D real, es decir, te pones las gafas y no notas relieve, molaria que al ponerte las gafas lo vieses en 3D.

gregatrey - 14 by June by 2011, 11:58

sq aver lo de si es 3D o no tmpoco lo veo muy importante, porqe tampoco va a ir nadie con las gafas 3D por la calle para verlo... 

a mi realmente me encanta, muy buen diseño .


I don´t think that 3D effects is very important because anybody goes with 3D glasses on the street son nobody will see it...

I really like it and I think is a good design.


Sorry about my english :)



EseRamos - 14 by June by 2011, 11:58

Me gusta el rollo 3D añadido. Mola.

luisalugo - 14 by June by 2011, 11:58

me gusta mucho el efecto!! :D

jamelo - 14 by June by 2011, 11:58

el efecto está muy logrado, me gusta 

asukar - 15 by June by 2011, 11:58

That's nice! :)

draco84 - 15 by June by 2011, 11:58

No me gusta mucho.

nonamed - 15 by June by 2011, 11:58

El efecto es muy curioso, pero el diseño es que no me llama nada.

fabyleon - 15 by June by 2011, 11:58

me gusta mucho

rubiosdc - 15 by June by 2011, 11:58

esta muy pero que muy bien

Macareno - 16 by June by 2011, 11:58

no me convence

sergiolokus - 16 by June by 2011, 11:58

pues aunque se sepa que es 3D y tal... y si segun dicen por ahi con unas gafas de esas de 3D se ve muy bien... a mi me gusta llevar camisetas que la gente pueda ver bien sin tener que llevar nada

nermaror - 17 by June by 2011, 11:58

me gusta mucho! muy de moda el 3D 

melvicax - 17 by June by 2011, 11:58

estoy con sergiolokus, prefiero camisetas q no tengas q ver con gafas 3d.

el diseño esta bien , pero no es mi estilo

sandy_80 - 17 by June by 2011, 11:58

Yo no la compraría, pero admito que está chulo el dibujo.

eldarc - 18 by June by 2011, 11:58

Chiste rebuscado, aunque al menos esta bien hecho.

Alex_91 - 18 by June by 2011, 11:58

3D jajajaj muy gracioso el diseño!

-Gums. - 19 by June by 2011, 11:58

Nice $