🔥 T-SHIRTS 3 FOR 36€


Recycling Robot

by DarkChocolat

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Wirdou - 29 by October by 2011, 11:58

I really like your style, and it looks great on a tee!

DaiviaD - 29 by October by 2011, 11:58

I like it but maybe can u give more color inside of red things or shadows like the robot body? :)

Stilographic - 29 by October by 2011, 11:58

está bien! :)

conde_cadista - 30 by October by 2011, 11:58

No se apreciaría bien de lejos, en mi opinión.

Boobalu - 30 by October by 2011, 11:58

Me gusta pero cambiaría colores

KTTO10 - 30 by October by 2011, 11:58

hay partes inapreciables y las lineas son demasiado finas

CASTELLÓ - 30 by October by 2011, 11:58

Un currazo técnico y en camiseta queda muy bien, pero no me identifico con el tema.

Suerte !

razorback - 31 by October by 2011, 11:58

same as castello

buyo18 - 31 by October by 2011, 11:58

me parece genial pero si estoy deacuerdo con ke cambiaria los colores 

Lagart - 31 by October by 2011, 11:58

Amazin technical detail, but as sbdy said, some lines are too thin, may not be well appreciated or erased with a couple washes. The text which indicates each recycled part is unreadable.

Try it on a black or darker grey background/tee colour.

I would add some recycle label, maybe down left, as a t shirt tag.

anarcab - 2 by November by 2011, 11:58

lo mismo que dicen por aquí, los colores fallan

nonamed - 2 by November by 2011, 11:58

NO sé qué es pero mola un montón.

Rocanet33 - 4 by November by 2011, 11:58

Es bonita, pero no es muy 'pampling', demasiado seria y difícil de entender, le falta gancho


eldarc - 4 by November by 2011, 11:58

Esta bien hecho pero no sirve como diseño para una camiseta, apenas destaca nada.