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Rise of the zombies

by charaspower

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Stilographic - 16 by January by 2012, 11:58

no me da más

makaay - 16 by January by 2012, 11:58

Más portada de cómic o serie, camiseta no la veo

CASTELLÓ - 17 by January by 2012, 11:58

Mola mucho aunque la tematica no es la mía.

Suerte !!

new fren - 17 by January by 2012, 11:58

tiene onda :D

conde_cadista - 18 by January by 2012, 11:58

No me dice nada...

fgarrote - 18 by January by 2012, 11:58

no la veo...

kobivm - 20 by January by 2012, 11:58


Mola/No_mola - 22 by January by 2012, 11:58

No mola.

eldarc - 22 by January by 2012, 11:58

Muy bien hecha, me gusta. Ojala salga!!