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Bad Past Lives

by Letter-Q

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140 Number of votes

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biticol - 24 by August by 2012, 11:58


Stilographic - 24 by August by 2012, 11:58

Buen diseño! :)


R@MoNxU - 26 by August by 2012, 11:58

Demasiado azul, añadiría color a los gatos o a la calle y creo que funcionaría.


Un saludo!

Fuacka - 26 by August by 2012, 11:58

Good job!

JCMaziu - 26 by August by 2012, 11:58


mainial - 27 by August by 2012, 11:58


Tony Centeno - 27 by August by 2012, 11:58

awesome work bro! $$

gnokks - 27 by August by 2012, 11:58

Awesome work!!

2mzdesign - 27 by August by 2012, 11:58

Gran trabajo!!

Creatiboom - 27 by August by 2012, 11:58


pitagoras - 28 by August by 2012, 11:58

Me encanta!

Carina - 29 by August by 2012, 11:58

Great work and details ;)

Wirdou - 29 by August by 2012, 11:58

Awesome, I think it should have a higher score! Letter-Q, if you are wondering why...maybe it's because here in Spain cats are known for having 7 lives, not 9 like the rest of the world, and maybe that's why the majority doesn't understand the whole joke ;)

Letter-Q - 29 by August by 2012, 11:58

^^^ haha!!! That's something new to me! I really didint know!

Thanx for the support anyway! Much appreciated! ;)