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Siempre Enfadado

by AlbertoArni

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kaikus - 22 by January by 2013, 11:57

Bueno, ésta es de auténtica notaza.

Wirdou - 22 by January by 2013, 11:57


daednaar - 22 by January by 2013, 11:57

Muy bueno.

CASTELLÓ - 23 by January by 2013, 11:57

Jeje.. buena amalgama, técnicamente genial.

Suerte ! :)

zilone - 23 by January by 2013, 11:57

Woauw nice job ! 

But there are 10 colors ?

PANAMERUM - 23 by January by 2013, 11:57

Amazing !!!

jalop84 - 23 by January by 2013, 11:57

jejejejeje que pasada no? molaria un fondo de ladrillos destruidos con su silueta rollo looney toons total :D

ibaitxo - 23 by January by 2013, 11:57


DI.JAY - 24 by January by 2013, 11:57

Tremendo! PRINT!!!

Fuacka - 25 by January by 2013, 11:57


2mzdesign - 26 by January by 2013, 11:57


buyo18 - 28 by January by 2013, 11:57


chazen - 28 by January by 2013, 11:57

Que la empiecen a vender ya!!!

gorgeo - 28 by January by 2013, 11:57

me gusta, aunqe yo le pondria camiseta blanca

AlbertoArni - 28 by January by 2013, 11:57

Gracias muchachos! 

eldarc - 28 by January by 2013, 11:57

Bien diseñada aunque lo de mezclar personajes nunca me ha ido demasiado.