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The Big Band Theory

by Tony Centeno

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155 Number of votes

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gebelia - 29 by April by 2013, 11:57

lol fun

expo01 - 29 by April by 2013, 11:57


PANAMERUM - 29 by April by 2013, 11:57

Great Idea and execution ! $ !

Baxt - 29 by April by 2013, 11:57

Nice work!!!

Harzack - 29 by April by 2013, 11:57


DI.JAY - 29 by April by 2013, 11:57


2mzdesign - 30 by April by 2013, 11:57


Wirdou - 30 by April by 2013, 11:57

jajajaja genial!

Le.duc - 30 by April by 2013, 11:57


Naolito - 30 by April by 2013, 11:57

A la tienda!

zalasbcn - 1 by May by 2013, 11:57

Big Bang es una serie que no me gusta pero la idea es súper original!

Tony Centeno - 1 by May by 2013, 11:57

Muchas gracias a todos! Thanks everyone! :D

vinsse - 1 by May by 2013, 11:57

print! :D

jalop84 - 1 by May by 2013, 11:57

Los colores muy bien aprobechados, un gran diseño :)

bandy78 - 2 by May by 2013, 11:57

hahaha..Love it

ibaitxo - 2 by May by 2013, 11:57

wow! es impresionante! felicidades!!

CASTELLÓ - 2 by May by 2013, 11:57

Soprendente curramen xavalote ! :D

Creatiboom - 2 by May by 2013, 11:57

Nice ^^

El Trigo - 2 by May by 2013, 11:57


buyo18 - 3 by May by 2013, 11:57

super cool

Nefasto - 4 by May by 2013, 11:57

No se supone que debe tener unicamente 5 colores??