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by Ana Hepburn

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Sanjurjo95 - 18 by October by 2015, 01:46

El diseño me es familiar, no sé bien de qué. Está bastante bien.

tulkas_one - 18 by October by 2015, 03:07

No está mal...

noreu - 18 by October by 2015, 11:49

De starbucks no?

Groucholennon - 18 by October by 2015, 16:47

bien llevado

martaponsto@hotmail.com - 19 by October by 2015, 20:20

not bad

Sela Maria - 19 by October by 2015, 23:47

not bad

Erreape_Sev - 20 by October by 2015, 03:24

No gracias

Raúl Martínez - 20 by October by 2015, 12:07

no me gusta

fran_gnu - 20 by October by 2015, 13:20

No está mal

pacorroxorro93 - 20 by October by 2015, 13:43


Rojis - 22 by October by 2015, 22:15


buyo18 - 23 by October by 2015, 02:19


J.M.Chavero - 23 by October by 2015, 10:02

jajaj graciosa

Gontzi - 23 by October by 2015, 11:04

Diseño minimalista con temática en auge. GOOD

vrlpz - 23 by October by 2015, 16:51


kctrece - 24 by October by 2015, 10:43

Graciosa pero regulera.

rg_paula - 24 by October by 2015, 18:31

no está mal pero creo que le falta algo