Sweatshirts 2x32€ 🚚 Immediate shipping


These aren't the Droids you're looking for..

by yaizayr

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noreu - 29 by October by 2015, 18:19

jajaj me parece muy graciosa, pero creo que deberían estar de cuerpo entero o si no.. almenos colocados distinto o con la tipografía centrada. Pero la idea es genial.

Erreape_Sev - 30 by October by 2015, 02:14

Gracias por el aporte

Jota21 - 30 by October by 2015, 08:23

La veo graciosa y eso m gusta...

leahdire - 30 by October by 2015, 12:25

esta bien

Rojis - 31 by October by 2015, 21:30

no me gusta, sin más, lo siento

pacorroxorro93 - 2 by November by 2015, 00:05


fran_gnu - 2 by November by 2015, 20:34


Sela Maria - 3 by November by 2015, 22:02

not bad