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Charity T-Shirt for Valencia.  

The full amount will be donated to the Red Cross  

Barbers competition v2

by Javi_guti7

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764 Number of votes

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Je3Nn - 17 by January by 2016, 19:19

esta está mejor

Ann Alexander - 17 by January by 2016, 20:17

Está muy guay de verdad *-*

Calanthis - 17 by January by 2016, 21:11

Así mucho mejor :)

hejachi - 17 by January by 2016, 22:30

not bad

amavire - 17 by January by 2016, 22:59

Le han sentado bien los cambios!

Anamari1113bm - 18 by January by 2016, 01:18

Esta bienn

Javito ag - 18 by January by 2016, 03:12

Bienvenidos estos cambios a mejor

WeiderManu - 18 by January by 2016, 03:16

mucho mejor ahora, la camiseta verde me vuelve loco

i12mocam - 18 by January by 2016, 04:25

not bad

jjcc - 18 by January by 2016, 08:24

Mucho mejor ahora

Alepalosamigos - 18 by January by 2016, 11:49

La de en medio es la que mejor queda

txanius - 19 by January by 2016, 13:29

verde por favor!!!Variedad de colores!!! que en pampling sólo existe el gris oscuro, azul oscuro y negro!!

Bearjos - 20 by January by 2016, 15:11

Así sí,me compraría la del centro,ese color le queda genial ;).Ahí te va el +5 :P

Sitaeu - 21 by January by 2016, 14:16

bonita y original!

Sela Maria - 21 by January by 2016, 14:30

esta graciosa

_ManuMora - 22 by January by 2016, 14:04

Que molona

karla - 23 by January by 2016, 11:05

el de en medio quien es?

Fleur De Lys - 23 by January by 2016, 13:42

Bellissima! 😍

Javi_guti7 - 23 by January by 2016, 13:55

es sweeney todd

hiena.312 - 23 by January by 2016, 18:49

Buaah a mi me encanta

Fpdavid - 23 by January by 2016, 20:53

divertida pero no me la pondría