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El "escuadron" suicida

by Javi_guti7

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anefurstin4 - 20 by January by 2016, 01:13

jajajajaja está bien como chiste :)

Raffiti - 20 by January by 2016, 02:12

jajajajaja CINCO MÁS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mainecoon - 20 by January by 2016, 03:37

jajajaja brutaaaaal

Je3Nn - 20 by January by 2016, 10:48


IrisCerdanVilla - 20 by January by 2016, 11:29

que malo jajaja

Kunoichi - 20 by January by 2016, 14:07

Chiste malo! Pero mola un montón, jajaja xD

Bearjos - 20 by January by 2016, 15:52

Buen chiste pero no,no me pongo eso xD.

Anamari1113bm - 20 by January by 2016, 17:12

Está muy chula

juange2015 - 20 by January by 2016, 17:22

jajaja me encanta

cespro - 20 by January by 2016, 18:07


amavire - 20 by January by 2016, 23:58

No lo veo, eh!
El chiste es to malo jajaja
Pero creo que has puesto la escuadra demasiado grande.
Quizas más pequeña pero de igual o mayor grosor quedaría mejor.

hejachi - 21 by January by 2016, 00:19

no me convence

Sela Maria - 21 by January by 2016, 14:49

mmm no se no se

pacorroxorro93 - 21 by January by 2016, 15:43

not bad

_ManuMora - 22 by January by 2016, 13:36

Ésta es muy pampling! Jaja buena

mith - 23 by January by 2016, 14:10


Arale6 - 25 by January by 2016, 17:42

Chistaco not bad

Ankovi - 26 by January by 2016, 13:08

Juasss muy buena esa! xD

Barsburg Ouka - 26 by January by 2016, 14:38

Me encanta, que bueno XDDD
Y me gusta en verde, pero no se si el fondo azul de la camiseta

ireneburbu - 26 by January by 2016, 14:40

Buenisimooo! jajajaj