🔥 T-SHIRTS 3 FOR 36€


The Bat

by lionel68

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107 Number of votes

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danimotxo - 17 by March by 2007, 12:03

I like it

Bilymanoli - 17 by March by 2007, 12:03

Me gusta!

extremeña - 17 by March by 2007, 12:03

A mí también me gusta! ;) .

el_checha - 17 by March by 2007, 12:03

Muy bonita y editable...puntazos como pocas veces!

volardo - 17 by March by 2007, 12:03

Really good... I'd buy it!! Go on with your designs and lets see what happens...

el_checha - 17 by March by 2007, 12:03

De hecho, ya tengo una decidio que si la editan la compro...y si no me la hago..jejej

lionel68 - 18 by March by 2007, 12:03

gracias los amigos !

fritsch - 19 by March by 2007, 12:03


foerfoer - 19 by March by 2007, 12:03

Very nice.

elgonzo - 20 by March by 2007, 12:03

I don't Know if the t´shirt is grey or black, insteed I prefer it on black!

Really cool!

biticol - 20 by March by 2007, 12:03

Me encanta éste diseño.