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Lost in the space

by Jordygraph

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Gsamsa69 - 11 by February by 2016, 19:41


Calanthis - 11 by February by 2016, 20:51

No me convence mucho

Nicolasito36 - 11 by February by 2016, 21:05


aliena91 - 12 by February by 2016, 16:53

no me convence

rogafu - 12 by February by 2016, 17:58

Muy guay

andrea_vegue - 12 by February by 2016, 18:40

No me termina de convencer...

Crisq95 - 12 by February by 2016, 23:49

No me convence

emilioalvarez98 - 12 by February by 2016, 23:57

No me convence aunque el diseño es original

LupinBlack - 14 by February by 2016, 02:05

el diseño mola

Ennaarts - 14 by February by 2016, 21:07

Original pero... que va...

kctrece - 15 by February by 2016, 02:06

Muy bonita.

hejachi - 15 by February by 2016, 16:52

not bad

charrogameplayz - 16 by February by 2016, 00:41

Esta bien!

taniaLoz - 16 by February by 2016, 17:20

cambiaria el color verdoso del fondo

puriky - 17 by February by 2016, 12:08

Yo cambiaría el color de la camiseta

King BEAST - 17 by February by 2016, 16:38

Me gusto mucho :D

erpatodekaze - 17 by February by 2016, 22:00

este mola un cacho. El problema es que el peso del detalle recae todo en un mismo punto, estaría mejor si hubiera mas detalles no solo en la calavera y el casco