Paki01 - 30 by March by 2016, 22:29
da comprare!
mainecoon - 30 by March by 2016, 22:33
que tal si haces una de quidditch?? - 1 by April by 2016, 00:55
esta chula
TheBigBoss93 - 2 by April by 2016, 10:27
No entiendo, porque pones SOCCER y la pelota es de AMERICAN FOOTBALL...
Marcock - 2 by April by 2016, 12:49
not bad
sergio1985 - 2 by April by 2016, 19:19
Como dicen, SOCCER es el fútbol de aquÃ, asà que no tiene sentido el diseño. Cámbialo y seguro que saldrá mejor!
Lifesamurai - 3 by April by 2016, 15:22
Is a Joke.. I know that SOCCER isn't played with that Ball.. Many people confuse Soccer with football, and this is the based on the concept
mainecoon - 4 by April by 2016, 08:53
entonces deberÃa haber algo que haga notar que te burlas de eso porque sino son los demás los que se burlarán de ti cuando lleves la camiseta XD
hejachi - 4 by April by 2016, 16:10
IRIAMARLEY - 4 by April by 2016, 21:18
Demasiado simple
Ariadnagr - 5 by April by 2016, 17:39
Opino que se deberÃa notar más la ironÃa, indispensable, no se nota y parece errónea
Rojis - 5 by April by 2016, 23:54