🔥 T-SHIRTS 3 FOR 36€


Thirteen Hours

by saqman

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690 Number of votes

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defensa - 13 by October by 2016, 18:41

Diseño impresionante.

Raffiti - 13 by October by 2016, 20:53


Rubikaza - 13 by October by 2016, 21:19

¡Ójala que salga! +5
Por favor que salga si o si ^^

NURRM - 13 by October by 2016, 21:50

Pedazo de diseño!! 5+

Avrien - 13 by October by 2016, 22:47

¡Ojalá que salga!!!!!!!!!

peah16212 - 13 by October by 2016, 23:23

Un diseño co un gran trabajo merece el 5+ sin duda 👏👏👏

Samiel - 14 by October by 2016, 00:10

Vaya currazo!!

rakelittle - 14 by October by 2016, 00:20

Fuuua!! Increíble! Precioso, gran trabajo!!

jjcc - 14 by October by 2016, 00:27

Peazo de diseño, muy currado y se ve perfectamente de que peli es, chapo!!!

alveo - 14 by October by 2016, 00:52

Flipante 5+

Josyta30 - 14 by October by 2016, 03:08

es incleible me encanta 5+

LorenzoBlanco - 14 by October by 2016, 13:00

impresionante, no se realmente qué es. pero 5+ por el trabajo y la calidad :)

trheewood - 14 by October by 2016, 13:42

Print!!! Obviamente....

DiKevenS7 - 14 by October by 2016, 13:52


SKULLPY - 14 by October by 2016, 15:44

Ojiplático me hallo


melonseta - 14 by October by 2016, 16:09

Brutal! +5

MarianoSan - 14 by October by 2016, 16:13

esta camiseta es de las que dices "shut up and take my money"+++++++5

CASTELLÓ - 14 by October by 2016, 17:44

Sin rival!

Fénixx - 14 by October by 2016, 18:45


Xinxu - 14 by October by 2016, 19:47

Increíble +5

ibaitxo - 15 by October by 2016, 00:29

Impresionante Saq +5

ardisaurio - 15 by October by 2016, 02:05

Si sale me la compro pero fijo!

LiTaSGL - 15 by October by 2016, 07:57

Increíble el diseño, que de detalles, una de mis pelis favoritas de los 80. Me la compro sin duda, espero que salga. Sorprende como pocas! Gran acierto! ++++5 👍

Asachi - 15 by October by 2016, 12:04

Me encantaba esta película, madre mía.

haku40 - 15 by October by 2016, 15:37

Por dios que salga!!! +5

Ackerwinde - 15 by October by 2016, 19:38

Enamorada me hallo O_o

Milena4444 - 15 by October by 2016, 19:46


music976 - 15 by October by 2016, 22:31

¿Qué película es?

NIbita - 16 by October by 2016, 00:36

mola muchisimo

Raquel T.Sanz - 16 by October by 2016, 13:23

La necesito yaaaaaaa

Ackerwinde - 16 by October by 2016, 13:37

Music976, es de "Dentro del laberinto".

Nicollard - 16 by October by 2016, 13:56

Oh my God. La quiero. Que salga y no se me escapa. Eres una máquina, gracias por este pedazo de diseño, saqman.

fonx78 - 16 by October by 2016, 17:02

+5, pedazo de camiseta!

Juancock - 16 by October by 2016, 19:18

enhorabuena por el trabajo

Dr.Monekers - 17 by October by 2016, 11:11

Una de mis pelis favoritas de la infancia, obra maestra!!!

José.k2 - 17 by October by 2016, 12:53

Muy muy currada

MoisEscudero - 17 by October by 2016, 16:44


Señor Oscuro - 17 by October by 2016, 17:25

Esta bien

irium - 17 by October by 2016, 19:56

Brutal como siempre, y un fantástico recuerdo de David Bowie

Marcock - 17 by October by 2016, 20:48

Un trabajo impresionante

magicraft - 18 by October by 2016, 10:19

Buffff...currazo.muy buena si señor5+

alberto1984 - 18 by October by 2016, 11:06

Como diría Jesulin en 2 palabras, im-presionante ;)

*inaco* - 18 by October by 2016, 11:37

El trabajo es perfecto, sin embargo lo que más me gusta es que está basado en un tema que no se suele ver en estos ámbitos. ¡A ver si sale porque realmente merece la pena! 5+

Eyrin - 18 by October by 2016, 15:48

uffff !!! IMRESIONANTE!!! Me encanta! Muy buen trabajo!!

Terry_jr - 19 by October by 2016, 10:44

Espectacular! Menudo currazo y talento tiene!

Spejel - 19 by October by 2016, 12:08

Muy bueno...+5 Mucho curro detras...

Claugal - 19 by October by 2016, 13:59


Legadema85 - 19 by October by 2016, 15:32


zupituki - 19 by October by 2016, 16:52

Necesito esta camiseta en mi vida por Dios... Mi película favorita 😻😻😻 +1000000

Itoko Design - 19 by October by 2016, 16:54

Sublime, sobretodo por dotar a los personajes de un estilo propio y que además case tan bien y quede una obra redonda!! Enhorabuena!!! 5+ y porque no hay mas!!

Samadry - 19 by October by 2016, 17:47

Bestial, me encantaaa

ZZERO - 19 by October by 2016, 20:52

¡Dance magic danceeee! Esta va a caer, SAQMAN. Más cuando descubrí que hay una tienda Pampling en Sevilla.

Pi82 - 19 by October by 2016, 21:41


andrewmcgeachy - 19 by October by 2016, 22:19

Creepy but love it

Why So Serious - 19 by October by 2016, 23:51

5+ qué pasada! Mis felicitaciones