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Gears of War 4 Crest

by Alundrart

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643 Number of votes

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Señor Oscuro - 18 by October by 2016, 01:34


NIbita - 18 by October by 2016, 03:05

es muy chula

Fénixx - 20 by October by 2016, 01:15


veroml_92 - 20 by October by 2016, 17:25

Esta chula

José.k2 - 20 by October by 2016, 19:35

pondría para mi gusto la calavera con el engranaje en el centro y metería mas rojo pero esta bastante bien

Juancock - 21 by October by 2016, 19:33

Me gusta la verdad

hejachi - 22 by October by 2016, 12:40

esta bien!