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To dead or not to dead

by graphismart

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DingulDingul - 26 by January by 2017, 13:18

la frase no es correcta.

"To die or not to die saving Zelda" es un poquete más correcta.

Un saludo.

graphismart - 26 by January by 2017, 13:24


oups, gracias, pero no sé si puedo cambiar la imagen ..

JesusSF - 26 by January by 2017, 17:31


Mosh-Pete - 26 by January by 2017, 22:42

Yo le cambiaría la calavera por un estilo algo mas parecido a link

Agustín c: - 31 by January by 2017, 19:16


marymarxd - 1 by February by 2017, 22:18

me gusta